Corporate Nutrition Topics
Discover more about our most popular workplace nutrition & wellbeing topics.
Here are our 6 most in-demand subjects. Take a closer look at what's covered.
All of these areas share the common goal of helping employees feel more alive at work! Perhaps your staff could do with an energy boost to increase productivity or you're struggling with rising sickness absence so want to explore ways to boost employees' immunity.
All topics nicely reinforce each other so work well as a series of talks. We offer multiple booking discount so please get in touch for a bespoke price.
Looking for something specific? We can design a workplace wellbeing workshop based on a topic bespoke to your organisational needs.
The energy of your staff is one of the most valuable resources you have access to. But how much attention are you giving this?
Let us help you empower your staff to start experiencing abundant energy throughout the work week.
Significant 'costs' over and above wages are incurred whenever an employee phones in sick. This may include service interruption, missed deadlines, agency fees and additional stress on colleagues.
However, we believe many illnesses can be prevented with the right diet and lifestyle. We can help motivate your employees to be the CEO of their own health and create a strong and happy immune system.

Working from home can have so many benefits for your staff but it can also create opportunities for falling into bad habits.
We can discuss the different ways employees can use remote working to benefit their health through small tweaks to their daily habits.​

Are you worried some of your employees may be on the brink of burnout? There is only so much each individual can take before they start to enter overwhelm and stress takes its toll on their physical and mental health.
We can equip your team members with invaluable tips to help increase resilience in the workplace.

Our current mental health epidemic cannot be ignored in the workplace.
With so many individuals struggling with their mental wellbeing, employers need to play their part in helping support individuals towards more positive, balanced mental health.
We can help you do this by sharing our evidence-based advice on simple health habits to help move away from anxiety and low mood.

Many people are looking to find ways to decrease their weekly food bill in the face of rising costs. However, it is often easy to turn to more ultra processed foods which may appear to offer better value.
We believe budget should not be a barrier when it comes to health so we would love to share our tips for eating optimally on a budget - it's not as hard as you may think!